- Remote Mirror Generator - written in C, C++ or bash/sh script - takes stripped-down content from a site (via HTTP, so that all processing (such as PHP) can be done at this point) and FTPed (as 100% xhtml) up to a mirror
- Tool Wrapper - written in PHP or sh CGI - designed to contain any out-of-house developed tools, such as phpBB and singapore) in an interface that fits in with the rest of the website
- Actual Site Engine - written in PHP - interface of the site, allows user costomizable CSS, in the future will allow users and other stuff - you can preview this in an old version (known as CTE CSS System, this is a rewrite using only the few goot snippets) running the CTE Net Old Dynamic/Server site
- I think ther's another i forget
These are tools being written for the CTE Net site. Right now I am still working on them (None are the least bit functional.) and making them less CTE-specific so I can release them here and use this CVS. Once I have something released, more info will be posted.
©2003 CTE Networks